Pennant Selection Policy

The chairperson of the committee is elected by the committee at the first opportunity after the club’s AGM

The chairperson is to chair meetings in an orderly manner, have the final casting vote on selection issues if the committee are deadlocked on a decision. The chairperson is also responsible in reporting to the Director of Bowls at WBC.

To make WBC stronger in Pennant competitions, we need all players to be available for the season and performing well to justify their selection in the various teams regardless of the level. Pennant is a competition NOT social bowls, as such we expect all players to treat Pennant seriously as you are representing your club.

The selection process is to pick the best players in their positions for the A1 team and then systematically work the same process with each grade thereafter. The A1 grade is the only grade that plays for a state title should they win the region Pennant title.

Each committee member will be assigned a grade that they are responsible for. Their duties will be as a liaison contact between that grade and the selection committee. They will contact one or two players from each rink prior to selection to obtain feedback to assist in the selection of players. They are also the first contact for any of the players should they have any grievances that requires attention. If a player’s grievance can’t be resolved, then the player must be put in writing and submitted to the selection committee for further action.

Players should post any known unavailability dates on the notice board in the clubrooms before the start of the season or at least one-week prior game selection. If a player is unable to play, they will NOT be automatically be re selected in that team/grade. The player who has taken their spot if warranted will retain their spot.

In the event a selected player becomes unavailable after selection, replacement players will be decided upon by the selection committee. Injured or unfit players will be replaced as necessary.

Players may be moved from grade to grade each week based on selection criteria, performance, attitude, and team balance. Certain players will be identified in each grade to be graded in a lower or higher grade they are playing in. The purpose of grading players is to identify good and poor performances by players, which then enables selectors the flexibility in selecting teams especially when finals are approaching.

Team selections are selected by all members of the selection committee, not just the grades that they have been assigned for administration purposes.

All grievances from Pennant players will be heard and handled by the committee as a whole, not by individual committee members. Grievances will be dealt with at selection meetings with the member/s present. The following procedure will be adhered to;

  • First offence – player to be given an official verbal warning
  • Second offence – player to be given official warning in writing from the club committee/board
  • Third offence – player is notified in writing from the committee that they are no longer required as a member of the relevant team

If the grievance/issue needs further action only then will the Director of Bowls/Board be asked to assist.

Coaching assistance is available to all players to perform at a high level to help them play in a higher grade should their form warrant promotion. Similarly, Coaching assistance is available for players whose form drops or just to focus on individuals’ weaknesses.

The committee are responsible for nominating side captains for each grade, team sheets on the Pennant board, all computer data of teams on Bowlslink (O&M website), Facebook and Border mail each week, checking of results and keeping accurate data of player movements and grading. They are also responsible for organising the side captain/manager’s kits, and travel arrangements.

Date: January 1, 2023
Review date: January 1, 2023
Responsibility: Board/Committee